Thursday 14 January 2016

Thinking of Selling Using Comfree? You’ll Need a Real Property Report

Comfree is a great way of selling your house for a lower cost. Before getting ready to list, there are a few things you'll need before selling through Comfree.

Real estate transactions in Alberta typically require a Real Property Report (RPR). An RPR shows buildings and other improvements on the property and the location of property lines, easements and Utility Right-of-Ways. RPR's are a snapshot of the property and can answer questions like:
  •     Is my fence on the neighbor's property?
  •     Is the swimming pool underneath that powerline located in a utility right-of-way?
  •     Was that new sunroom built according to the City of Calgary's Land Use-Bylaw?
These are important questions. On a Comfree purchase contract in Alberta, the seller guarantees the property complies with all municipal land use by-laws and all improvements don't encroach on neighboring lands or easements.

How does a seller demonstrate this to a buyer? Through a Real Property Report.

The Comfree Purchase Contract Fine Print - Why an RPR Matters

4.10 Closing

REAL PROPERTY REPORT: At least ten (10) business days prior to the Completion Day, the Seller will provide to the Buyer a current Real Property Report along with evidence of municipal compliance regarding the matters described in paragraph 6.2 below.

6.2 Warranties and Representations

The Seller warrants to the Buyer that the current use of the Property complies with the existing municipal land use by-law; the buildings and other improvements on the Property are not placed partly or wholly upon any easement or utility right-of-way and are entirely on the Property and do not encroach on neighbouring lands; and the location of the buildings and other improvements on the Property complies with all relevant municipal by-laws and regulations.
